Six San Antonio Park
Wordsonthestreet is registered with The Companies Registration Office, Parnell House, 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, Ireland.
Registered Number 282784 B
© 2023 Wordsonthestreet All rights reserved
We started Wordsonthestreet in 2006 with a €400 win in the national lottery. When we collected our winnings we looked at one another and we both said simultaneously ‘what shall we spend it on?’
We had been talking about setting up a publishing business for some time and said why not put the money towards publishing our first book.
We then thought about a name for our new publishing venture. In the pub one Saturday afternoon we asked some of our literary friends for suggestions.
One said,‘many publishing houses are called after birds, penquins and puffins and so forth. You should call it after a bird.’
‘Why, yes,’ said another, ‘there’s a bird associated with Galway called a Gannet. How about calling it Gannet Publishers.’
‘Or cormorant,’ said another. ‘Cormorant Press has a ring to it.’
‘Or,’ said another, warming to the idea, ‘there’s another bird I always associate with this city. It’s called a shag. How about Shag Publishers.’
And that, dear reader, is why we’re called Wordsonthestreet!
Oh yes, and that first book? Well it was Requiem of Love by Patricia Burke Brogan.
Why We Are Called Wordsonthestreet
Gerardine Burke is a novelist and short story writer. Taking a career break from her job as a teacher of History and English to write full-time, she spent five years in the United States where she completed a creative writing course in Holyoke College, Holyoke, Massachusetts. On her return to Ireland she joined Galway Writers' Workshop and has been working on the Editorial Board of Crannóg magazine since its foundation. She was a director of an Arts Festival in Tuam, Co Galway for many years. She is also a former radio correspondent with North West Radio. Her novels include My Father’s Lands and Braided Loves.
Tony O'Dwyer is a poet and fiction writer with long experience in publishing. He was the founder of Elm Press which published educational and learning materials for resource teachers. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Crannóg magazine. His first poetry collection, Off Guard, was published by Bradshaw Books, Cork and his work has appeared in many journals and periodicals. His next collection is due from Salmon Poetry in 2025.
Judith Gannon is our Editorial Assistant. She is a recent graduate of Trinity College, Dublin where she read English and Mathematics. She has special responsibility for manuscript assessment and recommendation.
Publishers of fiction & poetry
- First three chapters, or equivalent
- Synopsis
- Bio
- Covering letter incl postal and email addresses
Short story collections
- Three short stories
- Bio
- Covering letter incl postal and email addresses
Poetry collections
- Ten poems
- Bio
- Covering letter incl postal and email addresses
Please note: there is no need to enquire as to the status of your submission. If we are interested you will hear from us.
We do not accept submissions by email!
However if you wish to email on another matter you will get us at: